Immunization Clinic for Students

UNHS is holding an immunization clinic for students ages 5 - 11  at Montezuma Creek Elementary in the cafeteria from 2:30 to 5 pm. Parents need to call the school before 2:30 if they are interested in having their child vaccinated. The parent/guardian must check in with the school nurse at the table in front of the school. The parent will be taken down to the cafeteria and the student will be called out of class. A parent or guardian must be present for the child to receive an immunization.

Please call 435-678-1261 or 435-678-1336 to notify the school of your child’s participation in the immunization clinic before 2:30 pm. If we are not able to answer, leave a message with your name, your children(s), and state that you want your child(ren)to stay to get immunized. You can also email Juanita at to notify the school. We will not pull students off the bus at the last minute.