What is a CTE Pathway?
"A sequence of courses that connect a student's area of interest, serving as a road map that leads to a credential."
-State of Utah CTE
Why should I take a CTE Class?
"Students who take CTE courses learn technical skills, participate in hands-on learning, jump start their career, earn college credit and save time and money"
-State of Utah CTE
What is post-secondary education?
"Post-secondary education can mean a one-year certificate, a two-year associate or technical degree, or a four-year bachelor's degree."
-State of Utah CTE
Why should I complete a pathway?
Students who complete a CTE Pathway are recognized with an award called the "Secondary Pathway Completer Recognition Award." This award looks great on resumes and can be a real selling point when you have a job interview.
What is a “Skills Certification?”
CTE students have an opportunity to take a skills certification at the end of each CTE course. These certifications can be used on resumes and are great talking points in a job interview. Skills learned in each course are listed on each certificate, showing skills and content knowledge learned in the course.
What are the benefits of participating in a CTE pathway?
CTE students learn more about possible careers, education, and training. Experiences in CTE classes help students learn more about their interests and careers they may (or may not) like in the future.
If I start a pathway, how do I finish it?
Students who want to complete a pathway should take an explorer course, a concentrator course, and accumulate 3.0 credits in the pathway. Students are introduced to skills and content in an explorer course, learn more specific content in an explorer course, and dive deep into the content in a completer course.
How do I know if I completed a pathway?
Pathway completers have 3.0 credits in ONE area of study and have taken at minimum, one explorer course and one concentrator course. When in doubt, ask your CTE teacher or school counselor.
Will taking CTE classes help me with scholarships?
Absolutely! In fact, CTE students have MORE scholarships than other students! CTSO organizations offer scholarships to members of CTSOs, and many colleges award CTE scholarships!! (Click on the scholarship link for more information.)
What is a CTSO?
A CTSO is a Career and Technical Student Organization. CTSO’s are intra-curricular groups for CTE students. Students have opportunities to further their knowledge and skills by participating in activities, events, conferences, and competitions. You should join one today!! Visit with your CTE teacher to find out what CTSOs are available at your school! (EdRising, FBLA, FCCLA, FFA, DECA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, TSA)