A sequence of courses in one area of study, connecting high school to post-secondary education for a certificate, degree, and/or career.

CTE - Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education (CTE) creates pathways by providing them with the technical skills and academic knowledge needed to prepare for future employment and/or a successful transition to post-secondary education. Students who participate in CTE courses that help them explore career options and develop occupational skills. CTE curriculum gives students the practical experience needed to succeed through a combination of classroom instruction, hands-on laboratory work, and on-the-job-training. Career and Technical Education jump-start student careers by preparing them for post-secondary education and training for high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand occupations while they are still in high school. By following a CTE pathway, students become college and career ready. For more information on Utah Career and Technical Education, visit the link below.
CTE Terms You Should Know
CTE Pathway
Pathway Completer
Student who completes one explorer course and one concentrator path in one pathway.
Concentrator Course
A course that offers in-depth instruction in an area of the career cluster or pathway.
Pathway Concentrator
Student who completes one explorer course and one concentrator path in one pathway.
Explorer Course
A course that introduces a student to a career cluster and its pathways.
Completer Course
A course that offers deep instruction in a career cluster, an internship opportunity, or a capstone course.
Don't just take our word for it.
"CTE helped me focus on what I wanted to do and learn extensively about the career I want to go into." - Emma Monson
Emma Monson
"Automotive classes taught me about a passion that I never knew I had. I learned how to work on my own truck and how to help others learn about what I loved. My teacher was always willing to help us and teach us about different parts of a vehicle and how to work on them." - Tyson Billsie
Emma Monson
"High school pathways have helped me to set a base for my future and get a head start on my career." - Staten Perkins
Emma Monson
"CTE helped me really understand more of how the world really works." - Makya Williams
Emma Monson
"I was able to classes that led into the field that I am interested in and gained more insight into the degree before going to college." - Kasidy Reid
"CTE helped me prepare for college on what type of courses I would be taking and to help me learn more about my career and see other options in that career. " - Kaili Kaytso
"CTE classes exposed me to various career interests and gave me the opportunity to explore different fields before college." - Alexander Lott
"I learned valuable skills that will be very helpful to me in the future." - Jordyn Kartchner